Hello All!
This blog post is a little later than anticipated but I wanted to make sure a lot of this project was in place before I announced it!
I am super excited to announce The Moody Octopus Project!
As you all know I am a big supporter in crafts being good for your mental health but lately I have been doing a lot of research into statistics surrounding mental health in this country.
The volume of people that suffer from mental health issues is huge. Emotions are a complicated thing & we all posses them; positive & negative. So I thought rather than spouting statistics & motivational phrases why not demonstrate how different we all feel!
Enter The Moody Octopus! It would initially just be a head created by me with its legs all being created by you, voluntary members from the general public.
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picture from ayarnstory.co.uk how amazing?! |
The idea behind each rectangle, to be sewn together to create the octopus' legs, is that it’s an individual’s mood diary for a week. Each leg would be totally randomised in design with moods reflecting a colour from a specific colour chart. Once all the leg pieces are collected together they will be sewn together on the day of The MakeFest 2016 at Liverpool's Central Library as part of Girl On Purl Action's stand.
Each day for 7 days you would knit or crochet 4 rows (30 stitches in DK on size 4 mm needles or hook) in a colour that corresponds to your average mood for that day. By the end of the week you will have a piece consisting of 28 rows. The idea is to demonstrate that everyone has different moods all of the time, reflected in a giant display of colour!
The project would see each rectangle being anonymous as I wouldn’t know what way is the right way up or why a person was feeling that way that particular day or even what day of the week they started the project; also it allows for different interpretations of emotions.
I'm also going to be working with local businesses for varied drop of points prior to the MakeFest so you create more than one mood piece and contribute to the animosity of the project!
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A fantastic multicoloured octopus by Olivia Laws! https://oliviartcreations.wordpress.com/ |
I would love this octopus to be as big as possible! It also needs a name....
If you are not Liverpool based & would like to be involved in the project GO FOR IT! Drop me an email: enquiries@girlonpurlaction.co.uk or on Facebook & I can give you an address to post them too!
I'm still in discussions on a display home for The Moody Octopus after The MakeFest but it will be somewhere!
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Liverpool's Central Library |
Colour Chart
Red – anger/frustration
Yellow - happiness
Pink – love
Green - content
Orange – amused/energised
Purple – reflective/spiritual
Blue – sad/lonely
White – hopeful/
Black – depressed/lost
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