I am always getting emails & social media request about more information about the craft meet-ups so as well as having the page on the website & the social media posts I thought it might be nice to give a more informal insight on the blog too.
It turns out, thank you facebook memories, that I have been running the Girl On Purl Craft Meetups for 4 years now! We originally started in House on Bold Street, which is no longer there now & moved 2 years ago to The Everyman Theatre street level cafe on Hope Street.
We meet at varying times, this is due to the nature of the opening hours of the theatre. During the winter months we meet 7.30pm till 9pm & during the summer months we meet 6.30pm till 8pm. We don't stick to the summer meetup hours throughout the year as most attendees work, so gives people a chance to get home & have some ta before setting off again.
They are always on a Monday. Mondays are my day off from the day job & that way we don't class with any other city based craft groups.
I run this voluntarilly & we do not charge for you to attend. Its nice if you buy A Drink from the cafe as a thank you & to support them supporting us. They do a great hot drink & cake deal!
All you need to bring is yourself & your latest craft project! Whether that be knitting, crochet, felting, sewing, drawing etc we have even had costume designers & spinners!
Size wise we fluctuate, sometimes its just me & one other - other times its me & 25 others! Age wise we also have a wide range from students to pensioners.
We are a nice bunch, often working on a little charity projects or another & if you are ever stuck on your work someone will always be able to help.
Our next meeting is Monday 22nd May 6pm till 8pm so hopefully see you there!
I have put the dates from website in my calendar, hope to make it to one of these craft meet-ups soon. I'm relatively new to Liverpool and have been looking for something like this.